The Journey to Becoming a Mother

Matrescence is a term in anthropology, recognizing the myriad of psychological, hormonal, physical, emotional, and social changes which happen during the transition of becoming a mother.

Motherhood has changed. Demands on moms and expectations of what motherhood “should” be like are creating a globe-full of wonderful, exhausted mothers who feel inadequate.

Motherhood & Mental Health

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADS) are the leading complication associated with childbirth, with a prevalence of 1 in 5 moms.

In Africa, our healthcare systems are overloaded, and then there’s the stigma. This translates to the majority of moms who are experiencing PMADS grinding their teeth, hoping the symptoms will disappear.

You are not alone (the stats are there), we are here to provide you with support and resources to guide you back to wellness.

What we offer

Screening for PMADs – the first step to knowing how well you are doing psychologically and emotionally along this journey is to get screened. All you need to do is to dedicate 10 minutes to answering a few questions, feedback will be sent directly to your mailbox.

This service is completely free of charge! Get screened Momma!

Articles & Resources

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PMADS: Have I lost my mind?

PMADS I had never heard the term Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADS) before, and...

Dear Exhausted Mama, You Deserve To Rest

Oh, weary mama. You have been fighting so hard. I say fighting because that's what everything feels...

Calmness For Moms Who Just Need A Minute

Motherhood has a way of bringing out the spectrum of emotions. Here are some tips...